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Available Layers » lang#dart


This layer is for Dart development.




To use this configuration layer, update your custom configuration file with:

  name = "lang#dart"

Syntax checking && Code formatting

To enable syntax checking and code formatting in spacevim, you need to install dart sdk.

Install dart-repl

You need to install the dart_repl via pub, pub is a build-in package manager in dart-sdk:

pub global activate dart_repl

Layer options

Key bindings

Inferior REPL process

Start a dart.repl inferior REPL process with SPC l s i.

Send code to inferior process commands:

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC l s b send buffer and keep code buffer focused
SPC l s l send line and keep code buffer focused
SPC l s s send selection text and keep code buffer focused

Running current script

To run a ruby script, you can press SPC l r to run the current file without losing focus, and the result will be shown in a runner buffer.

Code formatting

The code formatting is provided by the format layer, and it will run dartfmt asynchronously.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC b f format current buffer

Flutter integration

When editing a dart file, the following key bindings are available for running flutter commands.

Key bindings Descriptions
SPC l f D Display flutter doctor result
SPC l f E Launch to a flutter emulators id
SPC l f d Display flutter devices result
SPC l f e Display flutter emulators list
SPC l f l Reload flutter app
SPC l f r Run flutter run command
SPC l f s Restart flutter app
SPC l f q Quit current flutter process

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